Changed around line 1
- buildHtml
- replace ADDRESS 1 Hermosa Beach
- replace AMOUNT $200
- replace A_URL
- replace MERCHANT The Banana Stand
- replace MESSAGE Happy Birthday Gob!
- button Make your own
- body {
- font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
- background-color: #f0f0f0;
- margin: 0;
- padding: 0;
- display: flex;
- justify-content: center;
- align-items: center;
- min-height: 100vh;
- }
- .gift-card {
- background-color: #ffffff;
- border-radius: 10px;
- box-shadow: 0 0 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
- padding: 40px;
- text-align: center;
- max-width: 400px;
- width: 100%;
- }
- h1 {
- color: #2c3e50;
- font-size: 28px;
- margin-bottom: 20px;
- }
- .value {
- font-size: 48px;
- font-weight: bold;
- color: #e74c3c;
- margin-bottom: 20px;
- }
- .restaurant-name {
- font-size: 24px;
- color: #34495e;
- margin-bottom: 10px;
- }
- .address {
- color: #7f8c8d;
- margin-bottom: 20px;
- }
- .message {
- font-size: 18px;
- font-style: italic;
- color: #16a085;
- margin-bottom: 20px;
- }
+ buildHtml
+ replace ADDRESS 1 Hermosa Beach
+ replace AMOUNT $200
+ replace A_URL
+ replace MERCHANT The Banana Stand
+ replace MESSAGE Happy Birthday Gob!
+ button Make your own
+ css
+ body {
+ font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
+ background-color: #f0f0f0;
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 0;
+ display: flex;
+ justify-content: center;
+ align-items: center;
+ min-height: 100vh;
+ }
+ .gift-card {
+ background-color: #ffffff;
+ border-radius: 10px;
+ box-shadow: 0 0 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
+ padding: 40px;
+ text-align: center;
+ max-width: 400px;
+ width: 100%;
+ }
+ h1 {
+ color: #2c3e50;
+ font-size: 28px;
+ margin-bottom: 20px;
+ }
+ .value {
+ font-size: 48px;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ color: #e74c3c;
+ margin-bottom: 20px;
+ }
+ .restaurant-name {
+ font-size: 24px;
+ color: #34495e;
+ margin-bottom: 10px;
+ }
+ .address {
+ color: #7f8c8d;
+ margin-bottom: 20px;
+ }
+ .message {
+ font-size: 18px;
+ font-style: italic;
+ color: #16a085;
+ margin-bottom: 20px;
+ }