风险指数: ${riskScore}/100
\n `;\n \n resultContainer.style.backgroundColor = getRiskColor(riskScore);\n });\n\n function calculateRiskScore(savings, clients, skills) {\n const savingsScore = Math.min(savings * 2, 40);\n const clientsScore = clients * 10;\n const skillsScore = skills * 10;\n \n return Math.min(100, savingsScore + clientsScore + skillsScore);\n }\n\n function getRecommendation(score) {\n if (score >= 80) {\n return \"您已经做好充分准备!建议可以开始规划转型时间表。\";\n } else if (score >= 60) {\n return \"状况不���,但还有提升空间。建议先兼职尝试,积累更多经验。\";\n } else if (score >= 40) {\n return \"风险较高,建议先提升核心竞争力并积累更多储蓄。\";\n } else {\n return \"目前风险很高,建议继续在现有工作中积累经验和资源。\";\n }\n }\n\n function getRiskColor(score) {\n if (score >= 80) return '#4ade80';\n if (score >= 60) return '#fbbf24';\n if (score >= 40) return '#fb923c';\n return '#ef4444';\n }\n});\n---end---\n\nThis creates a professional risk assessment tool for potential freelancers with:\n\n1. An interactive calculator that evaluates risk based on savings, clients, and skills\n2. Color-coded results with personalized recommendations\n3. Key advice section with hover animations\n4. Useful resources section with interactive links\n5. Responsive design that works on all devices\n6. Beautiful gradients and smooth transitions\n7. Accessible form controls and semantic HTML\n8. Clean, modern UI with a professional color scheme\n\nThe risk calculation takes into account:\n- Months of savings (40% weight)\n- Existing client base (30% weight)\n- Skill level (30% weight)\n\nThe JavaScript provides immediate feedback with both numerical scores and practical recommendations, while the CSS creates an engaging but professional experience with subtle animations and thoughtful color choices."风险指数: ${riskScore}/100